Monday, October 13, 2008

turn signals

I contemplated titling this post "They didn't put that little stick on the left side of your steering wheel to give the switch for your headlights extra interest," but that seemed a little long-winded. Seriously though. Turn signals? Not an optional feature. They come standard on every single car that comes off the factory line (at least here in the United States) and, technically, you're required by law to use them. They tell the drivers around you what you're going to do because, contrary to what your self-centered mind might be telling you, we don't actually know what you're thinking. I know some drivers (mostly men) seem to want to avoid giving away their plans, as if you think that all the other drivers on the road are out to get you and will swoop across three lanes of traffic to cut you off if they find out that you want to change lanes. Let me just go ahead and let you in on a little secret: We actually don't really care enough about you to be out to get you. Until you cut into my lane without signaling and make me slam on my breaks to avoid hitting you. Then I do care. A lot. And then I might be out to get you.


Kirsten said...

Oh yeah - this is my all-time pet peeve. I want to turn this into a full series of billboards along the highway!!

Dana said...

Love it! So true.